Oct 17, 10:17 AM
As a consumer I'm trying as hard as possible to sit this one out. :mad:
Which isn't that hard though, let's face it.
Which isn't that hard though, let's face it.
May 4, 03:11 PM
Are you an NRA member?Not at all, I despise the NRA and I don't even own guns. To be clear, I feel Dr. Choi should be free to ask such questions without losing his license or going to jail; likewise I should be free to decline to discuss such matters with him.
May 3, 09:31 PM
So is this meant to be an ad for the iPad 2 or the future generations? All it does is make me more excited for upcoming models, not the iPad 2 itself. I don't doubt that it will be effective though.
Sep 12, 08:59 AM
Left Bottom (Itunes Videos)
Transporter 2Transporter 2
20th Century Fox
Red EyeRed Eye
Dreamworks S.K.G.
World of Warcraft Burning CrusadeWorld of Warcraft Burning Crusade
Enigmo2Enigmo 2
Left Bottom (Itunes Videos)
Transporter 2Transporter 2
20th Century Fox
Red EyeRed Eye
Dreamworks S.K.G.
World of Warcraft Burning CrusadeWorld of Warcraft Burning Crusade
Enigmo2Enigmo 2
May 15, 11:52 PM
ok. i might try and set it up next weekend. we'll see. only 2 more weeks here though! thank goodness!
haha yay! lucky :D let me know how it goes!
haha yay! lucky :D let me know how it goes!
Apr 16, 06:19 PM
The angled back is very ZuneHD ish......
Apr 7, 10:03 AM
Thats just the NT version. Windows 8 will be 6.2
7 was 6.1,
Vista was 6.0
XP was 5.0
Technically Windows 7 is the 10th version of Windows, if you don't count Windows Server.
Windows 7 is the 7th version if you count from Windows 95.
According to Wikipedia, Windows 8 will be NT version 6.2, not 7.0 - just in case you were wondering.
7 was 6.1,
Vista was 6.0
XP was 5.0
Technically Windows 7 is the 10th version of Windows, if you don't count Windows Server.
Windows 7 is the 7th version if you count from Windows 95.
According to Wikipedia, Windows 8 will be NT version 6.2, not 7.0 - just in case you were wondering.
Jan 15, 01:33 AM
Blogging isn't journalism,
No, but there are some who are trying to be taken seriously. They had a press pass. As has been repeated multiple times, this hurts the entire blogging industry (and it is an industry) who cover things as journalists. This isn't some old lady down the street, this is a tech blog that's a business itself that has been built up over the years in an attempt to be taken seriously and get press access to just events and products to test for their articles. That's all been destroyed with one stupid act, which they're now trying to turn into an act of defiance. They made some interesting points in the last spiel, but it doesn't change the fact that if they want to be taken seriously, and they claim to want to be, at least more than those who are bought or don't ask the tough questions, this isn't going to help.
So when they do try to post something serious, and they have, is it any wonder if we won't trust them or believe them, or even care?
No, but there are some who are trying to be taken seriously. They had a press pass. As has been repeated multiple times, this hurts the entire blogging industry (and it is an industry) who cover things as journalists. This isn't some old lady down the street, this is a tech blog that's a business itself that has been built up over the years in an attempt to be taken seriously and get press access to just events and products to test for their articles. That's all been destroyed with one stupid act, which they're now trying to turn into an act of defiance. They made some interesting points in the last spiel, but it doesn't change the fact that if they want to be taken seriously, and they claim to want to be, at least more than those who are bought or don't ask the tough questions, this isn't going to help.
So when they do try to post something serious, and they have, is it any wonder if we won't trust them or believe them, or even care?
May 4, 05:33 AM
But yes, at least the ads are great and really work the "magic". The only problem is that you won't stay in Wonderland with your iPad, and in the real world, it's just a nice toy for a couple of minutes but not really good for anything.
Thats what people said about the Kinect. Now look at what its doing when, especially when Academia got a hold of it. Just because you can't think of any uses doesn't make it a toy.
Thats what people said about the Kinect. Now look at what its doing when, especially when Academia got a hold of it. Just because you can't think of any uses doesn't make it a toy.
Aug 10, 04:07 PM
To be honest, the only things putting me off a future purchase of an ACD are connectors, possible incompatibility and cost. If they were a little more affordable for me, (as they are sure to be by the time I think of a purchase), I would get one of the 23" models. However, I would be planning on using it as a display for my PC which also doubled as a second display for my iMac and MBP. Therefore I would need ideally either one VGA and one DVI, two DVI and a VGA or a pair of DVIs. It just wouldn't be practical switching back and forth all the time for me.
Sep 29, 07:14 AM
Here's Bill Gates' house for comparison. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9738CIiY41k)
Oct 10, 09:57 PM
hah, new iPod? yeah right.
out of all the rumors currently circulating, the only one i give some importance to is the iPhone (with Cingular and T-Mobile claiming it). The new Macbook Pro WILL come out, just a matter of when, and whenever somebody claims to have a "reliable source" I really doubt it, especially those Chinese sites.
I think this might be ready at MWSF. If they release MBP's, iPhones, and vPods before MWSF, what the heck are they gonna surprise us with there? Nothing.
out of all the rumors currently circulating, the only one i give some importance to is the iPhone (with Cingular and T-Mobile claiming it). The new Macbook Pro WILL come out, just a matter of when, and whenever somebody claims to have a "reliable source" I really doubt it, especially those Chinese sites.
I think this might be ready at MWSF. If they release MBP's, iPhones, and vPods before MWSF, what the heck are they gonna surprise us with there? Nothing.
Nov 24, 08:41 PM
nah. they're just updating the mb/p line
LOL! Santa Rosa introduced on Tuesday... :D (just kidding!)
LOL! Santa Rosa introduced on Tuesday... :D (just kidding!)
May 10, 09:02 PM
But you loose the bigadv unit every time almost no?
That is true, unfortunately with my new i7980x I haven't gotten any bigadv units yet, I may need to reinstall folding to see if that works, which means losing a normal unit... And most of the problems were before I had folding going anyway.
That is true, unfortunately with my new i7980x I haven't gotten any bigadv units yet, I may need to reinstall folding to see if that works, which means losing a normal unit... And most of the problems were before I had folding going anyway.
May 4, 02:18 AM
I don't really see why Apple will never do that. When Jobs said styluses are crap, obviously he didn't mean styluses as writing devices, he meant styluses as the way to interact with OS.
Education applications seem to be of some importance to Apple, and stylus support is pretty much required to make iPad useful for students, for example.
IMO, until the ipad gets this, which is entirely possible, it will remain more of a toy than a tool, and all these commercials will be nothing but fodder for the haters.
there's nothing wrong with toys, and this is a nice one, but these lines about doctors, CEOs, etc., are just plain ridiculous.

Las Vegas Monorail Map

las vegas strip map of hotels

Las Vegas Strip South Map

las vegas strip map of hotels
Education applications seem to be of some importance to Apple, and stylus support is pretty much required to make iPad useful for students, for example.
IMO, until the ipad gets this, which is entirely possible, it will remain more of a toy than a tool, and all these commercials will be nothing but fodder for the haters.
there's nothing wrong with toys, and this is a nice one, but these lines about doctors, CEOs, etc., are just plain ridiculous.
Apr 29, 04:15 PM
Agreed. I thought we were well past the days when computer applications had to emulate their analog compatriots. Leather, wood, paper, stone = not for computer UIs please! :mad:
Speaking of bad iCal, why is it I can't flip pages in the Calendar app on my iPad by actually flicking the pages (a la iBooks)? Instead I have to tap on arrow buttons? What's up with that???
In Mac OS X, there are known as gestures. :D
Navigation gestures, for eg. 3 finger navigation.
Speaking of bad iCal, why is it I can't flip pages in the Calendar app on my iPad by actually flicking the pages (a la iBooks)? Instead I have to tap on arrow buttons? What's up with that???
In Mac OS X, there are known as gestures. :D
Navigation gestures, for eg. 3 finger navigation.
Apr 9, 08:00 PM
Best Buy isn't having a sale today. And this is a national holiday. Its Victory over the Confederates Day when the US defeated the southern traitors and General Lee surrendered.
I see you've been educated in the public school system :D
I see you've been educated in the public school system :D
Nov 14, 03:39 PM
I really like Black Ops, having stopped playing MW2 when the expensive DLC started, I haven't played it in awhile. From what I do remember though, I think the changed made to the game are a big plus.
1. Quick scoping is a thing of the past, so the days of watching players run around a map with a sniper rifle going for short range kills is suicide.
2. Sniping is actually a skill now. One hit kills take work with a sniper rifle like they should. In past CoD's anyone thought they were a sniper ( myself included who improved his K/D ratio dramatically once I realized how easy it is to snipe in MW2 over say a game like Halo ), now we often have snipers who need 2 - 4 hits to make a kill. It isn't like Medal of Honor where you spawn die, spawn die, etc. etc. You can actually get on the playing field, or even out run snipers shooting at you. Cool!
3. The over powered perks are gone, and dual wielding shotguns with assault rifle range as well. No using scavenger to spam noobtubes! Although I do miss being to replenish my claymores. It's a worthy tradeoff though. :p
4. Noob tubes less prevalent, and opening spawn salvos haven't been discovered yet.
The thing that does kill the game is the latency/lag issues, at times they are game breaking. Like previous CoDs you've seen killcams where it shows you not firing or stabbing your killer, when on your screen you did. Now though I've seen final kill cams where the killer didn't seem to hit his victim at all. Knife whiffing is a common practice. Which has brought back the wonky knifing range, allowing those with lightweight to run thru a hail of bullets and instant knife kill you.
If you're curious to test this... On the map Villa if someone shoots at you from the main Villa, into the small sniping room. Notice if it is assault rifle fire, after you run from the gunfire thru thru window to the stairs, you are still being hit from gun fire as your reach the steps. You won't die, but it's frustrating to say the least. So the days of seemingly being hit from gunfire around corners is still around, if not a little worse. There's is bullet penetration ( Hardened ), but it doesn't account for bullets that make it around corners.
Lately I've run into countless games where connection interrupted shows up at the end of games, and even during. Nothing makes you want to throw your controller than getting the drop on someone, connection interrupted shows up on your screen, and when the game starts again you've died. On the other person's screen nothing happened, it just shows you looking at them and NOT firing. On the Treyarch forums some have attributed this to the games bandwidth interpretation, there is a way to look at how the game sees your bandwidth. Seems for many it sees your connection as being very low.
I've taken to changing my search so it only sees 'Locale Only', which helps a little.
The tip about putting 'Rapid Fire' on your gun really helps out if you find yourself constantly getting the wrong end of the drop like I do.
About the footsteps issue, while you may not hear someone else, your own footsteps are almost deafening now. I take the Ninja perk just to NOT hear my own footsteps.
There is a spawn issue in the game, especially when the game 'spawn flips'. This is especially bad on Nuketown. If the bulk of the other team dies they will spawn on the opposite spawn. If you happen to be on that side waiting for the enemy to come, guess where they are coming from? That's right, ...look behind. At one point in every game this happens, and if you're there it becomes a maddening slaughterhouse.
The game has this weird thing where it will often spawn you in the vicinity of the person who last killed you. If they are on the move, this sometimes results into them literally running to where you spawn, giving them a cheap kill while you orient yourself. On the other hand, this does lead to one getting 'payback' kills more often.
I really do like the maps though, the sheer number of ( 14 )maps keeps repetition down. The amount of things going on while you are playing is cool, with the launching rocket shaking the bulk of the map, or the train shaking one end of the map, the target dummies moving about, or the underground areas increasing the size really makes them interesting.
Not a big fan of the single player, but I do like how it offers you a large assortment of the weapons so you can become familiar with them before multiplayer. The combat training is hilarious, naming bots after people on your friend's list. It isn't much help for playing online, but does allow you to try things out before spending money in the multiplayer.
A new update or patch will be welcome, and I look forward to playing the game despite it's problems. Good fun.
1. Quick scoping is a thing of the past, so the days of watching players run around a map with a sniper rifle going for short range kills is suicide.
2. Sniping is actually a skill now. One hit kills take work with a sniper rifle like they should. In past CoD's anyone thought they were a sniper ( myself included who improved his K/D ratio dramatically once I realized how easy it is to snipe in MW2 over say a game like Halo ), now we often have snipers who need 2 - 4 hits to make a kill. It isn't like Medal of Honor where you spawn die, spawn die, etc. etc. You can actually get on the playing field, or even out run snipers shooting at you. Cool!
3. The over powered perks are gone, and dual wielding shotguns with assault rifle range as well. No using scavenger to spam noobtubes! Although I do miss being to replenish my claymores. It's a worthy tradeoff though. :p
4. Noob tubes less prevalent, and opening spawn salvos haven't been discovered yet.
The thing that does kill the game is the latency/lag issues, at times they are game breaking. Like previous CoDs you've seen killcams where it shows you not firing or stabbing your killer, when on your screen you did. Now though I've seen final kill cams where the killer didn't seem to hit his victim at all. Knife whiffing is a common practice. Which has brought back the wonky knifing range, allowing those with lightweight to run thru a hail of bullets and instant knife kill you.
If you're curious to test this... On the map Villa if someone shoots at you from the main Villa, into the small sniping room. Notice if it is assault rifle fire, after you run from the gunfire thru thru window to the stairs, you are still being hit from gun fire as your reach the steps. You won't die, but it's frustrating to say the least. So the days of seemingly being hit from gunfire around corners is still around, if not a little worse. There's is bullet penetration ( Hardened ), but it doesn't account for bullets that make it around corners.
Lately I've run into countless games where connection interrupted shows up at the end of games, and even during. Nothing makes you want to throw your controller than getting the drop on someone, connection interrupted shows up on your screen, and when the game starts again you've died. On the other person's screen nothing happened, it just shows you looking at them and NOT firing. On the Treyarch forums some have attributed this to the games bandwidth interpretation, there is a way to look at how the game sees your bandwidth. Seems for many it sees your connection as being very low.
I've taken to changing my search so it only sees 'Locale Only', which helps a little.
The tip about putting 'Rapid Fire' on your gun really helps out if you find yourself constantly getting the wrong end of the drop like I do.
About the footsteps issue, while you may not hear someone else, your own footsteps are almost deafening now. I take the Ninja perk just to NOT hear my own footsteps.
There is a spawn issue in the game, especially when the game 'spawn flips'. This is especially bad on Nuketown. If the bulk of the other team dies they will spawn on the opposite spawn. If you happen to be on that side waiting for the enemy to come, guess where they are coming from? That's right, ...look behind. At one point in every game this happens, and if you're there it becomes a maddening slaughterhouse.
The game has this weird thing where it will often spawn you in the vicinity of the person who last killed you. If they are on the move, this sometimes results into them literally running to where you spawn, giving them a cheap kill while you orient yourself. On the other hand, this does lead to one getting 'payback' kills more often.
I really do like the maps though, the sheer number of ( 14 )maps keeps repetition down. The amount of things going on while you are playing is cool, with the launching rocket shaking the bulk of the map, or the train shaking one end of the map, the target dummies moving about, or the underground areas increasing the size really makes them interesting.
Not a big fan of the single player, but I do like how it offers you a large assortment of the weapons so you can become familiar with them before multiplayer. The combat training is hilarious, naming bots after people on your friend's list. It isn't much help for playing online, but does allow you to try things out before spending money in the multiplayer.
A new update or patch will be welcome, and I look forward to playing the game despite it's problems. Good fun.
Nov 16, 10:17 PM
Indeed, this should be taken with the dash of salt it deserves... i.e. a tablespoon full
hmm, maybe a truckload?
hmm, maybe a truckload?
Jan 15, 02:26 PM
To stick with Steve's 4 main points:
1) Time Capsule is pretty neat, not a terrible price for what it is, either.
2) iPhone software looks pretty nice. iPod touch update is a travesty against all mankind... I think Apple is seriously underestimating the backlash this will cause.
3) The ATV updates are nice, price drop is decent, but not nearly enough for year old hardware with no upgrades. Software only update means HD content will be 720p24@5mbits which is pretty OK but not what I would have liked to see. 5.1 finally.
4) Macbook Air: stupid, stupid name. Crazy insane pricing, especially when you add the SD, ethernet, remote, and modem (you really should have all those in the box at $1800). Who's going to be buying this thing? It's just so targeted at a very specific market that I can't see it being a huge success.
As for stuff that DIDN'T get talked about:
- No desktop updates at all. I predict Apple getting out of the consumer desktop market in the next 2-3 years. No more iMac or mini.
- No tablet. They could have done a <$1000 multitouch 9" iSlab tablet thingy that would have been as light and thin as the Air and actually revolutionized something, but... shrug.
- iTunes subscription. Now that they have a self destructing DRM scheme in Fairplay I expected a subscription for TV shows, at least.
All in all, unexciting, really.
1) Time Capsule is pretty neat, not a terrible price for what it is, either.
2) iPhone software looks pretty nice. iPod touch update is a travesty against all mankind... I think Apple is seriously underestimating the backlash this will cause.
3) The ATV updates are nice, price drop is decent, but not nearly enough for year old hardware with no upgrades. Software only update means HD content will be 720p24@5mbits which is pretty OK but not what I would have liked to see. 5.1 finally.
4) Macbook Air: stupid, stupid name. Crazy insane pricing, especially when you add the SD, ethernet, remote, and modem (you really should have all those in the box at $1800). Who's going to be buying this thing? It's just so targeted at a very specific market that I can't see it being a huge success.
As for stuff that DIDN'T get talked about:
- No desktop updates at all. I predict Apple getting out of the consumer desktop market in the next 2-3 years. No more iMac or mini.
- No tablet. They could have done a <$1000 multitouch 9" iSlab tablet thingy that would have been as light and thin as the Air and actually revolutionized something, but... shrug.
- iTunes subscription. Now that they have a self destructing DRM scheme in Fairplay I expected a subscription for TV shows, at least.
All in all, unexciting, really.
IJ Reilly
Oct 19, 11:37 AM
Damn! Can only wonder what it cost back then..those were dark days back then...
I've bought and sold quite a bit of AAPL over the years since, but always held onto my original stake. My cost basis is around $4 a share. Now I can't afford to sell it!
I've bought and sold quite a bit of AAPL over the years since, but always held onto my original stake. My cost basis is around $4 a share. Now I can't afford to sell it!
Aug 23, 01:06 AM
So both of us (mine made in May ( 2A6211XXXXX) and yours in June 2006 (2A6241XXXXX) have the old model ... So I guess no one can be sure of what they are getting, no matter how or where they buy it.
The following was posted on www.barefeats.com last Friday:
"August 18th, 2006 -- New Apple 23" Cinema impresses. We ordered a new 23" Cinema display for our Mac Pro 3GHz. This new model (numbers starting with 2A6281 or higher) is brighter with better contrast than the previous model. Best of all, the pink hue on grey screens is gone."
The following was posted on www.barefeats.com last Friday:
"August 18th, 2006 -- New Apple 23" Cinema impresses. We ordered a new 23" Cinema display for our Mac Pro 3GHz. This new model (numbers starting with 2A6281 or higher) is brighter with better contrast than the previous model. Best of all, the pink hue on grey screens is gone."
Apr 23, 07:24 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)
All you have shown is a deep-seated fear of advertising. And it's been stated that Apple doesn't actually collect this data, so it isn't even being used for iAds.
How exactly, specifically, will this cell phone tower tracking info compromise your personal safety? What exactly is there to fear? There must be something more than targeted advertising, which is at best an annoyance you have to live with anyway.
This really isn't related to Windows 8, but...
iPhone tracking and storing users' locations isn't really a surprise, nor is it worrying. What is an eye opener is that when Google was asked about the same thing, they gave an immediate response and explained how their phones work. Why hasn't Apple done this?
All you have shown is a deep-seated fear of advertising. And it's been stated that Apple doesn't actually collect this data, so it isn't even being used for iAds.
How exactly, specifically, will this cell phone tower tracking info compromise your personal safety? What exactly is there to fear? There must be something more than targeted advertising, which is at best an annoyance you have to live with anyway.
This really isn't related to Windows 8, but...
iPhone tracking and storing users' locations isn't really a surprise, nor is it worrying. What is an eye opener is that when Google was asked about the same thing, they gave an immediate response and explained how their phones work. Why hasn't Apple done this?
May 3, 10:49 PM
I think it's an ad for iPad. iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad that comes next. All of them. As a platform. "It's just getting started."
When I hear �It�s just getting started,� that signals to me there is more to come. Which implies that patience will be rewarded. Which further implies to wait for future models. That's obviously not how Apple intended it, but that�s the way I interpret it as a viewer. Could just be me though. I am a very happy owner of many Apple products by the way�including an iPad 1st gen�so I�m not being biased against Apple by any means. JMO
When I hear �It�s just getting started,� that signals to me there is more to come. Which implies that patience will be rewarded. Which further implies to wait for future models. That's obviously not how Apple intended it, but that�s the way I interpret it as a viewer. Could just be me though. I am a very happy owner of many Apple products by the way�including an iPad 1st gen�so I�m not being biased against Apple by any means. JMO
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